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RCAH Review
Information for authors

Author guidelines

General guidelines

Articles submitted for publication should be original, finalized, and previously unpublished manuscripts. The recommended length of the articles (including metadata, footnotes, and references) is 20 000 to 40 000 characters including spaces.

Authors send manuscripts of articles to the editorial office's email address in file format - DOC, DOCX. The Editorial Board will not consider manuscripts submitted via paper copies, USB flash drives, CDs, DVDs, other types of data storage devices, or email addresses of third parties.

Materials are subject to mandatory preliminary verification of compliance with the formal requirements of the Journal: compliance of the content of the article with the topic stated in the title, permissible volume, structure, design, presence of elements of material completeness in the required volume, as well as the presence of signs of illegal borrowing of text, illustrations, tables and etc. Materials that do not meet the requirements presented are not reviewed.

The editorial board accepts article submissions throughout the calendar year and notifies the authors about preliminary verification‘s results within no more than 30 working days from the date of receipt of the article.

All manuscripts are subject to an initial screening, internal expert review, and external peer-review in accordance with our Peer Review Guidelines.

Article formatting rules

  1. The volume of a scientific article is 0.5–1 a. l. (20,000–40,000 characters) including abstracts, keywords and bibliography.
  2. The volume of a review, a short scientific report, a report on an event, etc. - 0.2–0.5 a. l. (up to 20,000 characters including annotations, keywords and bibliography).
  3. All margins are 2.0 cm; red line (indent) - 1.0 cm.
  4. Times New Roman font; for the main text and literature, 12 point size is used, line spacing is 1.0 pt; for quotations and annotations - 10 point, line spacing - 1.0 pt.
  5. Quotes over 200 characters are highlighted with a retract (1.0 cm) and a 10-point font.

Structure and content of the material

The publication is structured according to the accepted international standard in the following order:

  1. in the upper left corner the author places the UDC assigned to the article;
  2. on the next line in the center - the initials and surname of the author (bold); a footnote is given to the surname, which indicates information about the author: surname, first name, patronymic in full, academic title and degree (if any), email address, place of work/study (and/or affiliation) in Russian and English (example and for clarifications, see below - Information about the author(s));
  3. on the next line in the center in capital letters (bold font) - the TITLE of the article in Russian (style “Normal”, not “Title”);
  4. if the research was carried out with the support of a grant, the grant number is indicated in a footnote to the title;
  5. author’s abstract and keywords in Russian (abstract 150–200 words; keywords — 5–10 words and phrases);
  6. below, with a line skipped, the initials and surname of the author are given in English;
  7. below is the TITLE of the article in English (in the center, in capital letters, bold);
  8. abstract and keywords in English (abstract 150–200 words; keywords — 5–10 words and phrases);
  9. further after skipping the line - the text of the article (for the scope of the scientific article or review, see above);
  10. at the end of the text after skipping a line - Literature and References.

Requirements for abstract and keywords

Abstracts (150–200 words) should reflect the essence of the study and state the essential facts of the work. The text must be coherent, the stated provisions logically follow from one another. The abstract should be concise, concise, free from secondary information, unnecessary (including introductory) words, general and insignificant wording. The abstract does not use citations; abbreviations should be avoided if possible.

Key words: volume of 5–10 words or phrases, separated by commas, the use of quotation marks, abbreviations, formulas is undesirable, there should not be complex phrases and phrases among the keywords (a period is placed at the end).

Formatting the article text

If it is necessary to highlight a word or phrase in the text of an article, it is preferable to use italics (not bold). If a fragment of a quotation is highlighted by the author of the article, then the corresponding comment is given in square brackets.

In Russian text, Christmas tree quotes are used (“…”), for nested quotes, and in English text, paw quotes (“…”) are used.

There should be no double, triple, etc. spaces between words.

The surname and both initials are separated from each other by non-breaking spaces (I.I. Ivanov, Ivanov I.I.).

Abbreviations such as, etc., etc., because, that is, are acceptable, provided that non-breaking spaces are placed between the letters.

When indicating dates, years are written in Arabic numerals, centuries - in Roman numerals. Abbreviations (v. or vv., g. or gg.) are acceptable, but only if they are used uniformly throughout the entire text of the article.

It is necessary to distinguish between the use of dashes and hyphens:

  1. an em dash (m-dash) is placed between words or between a number and a word (“Hegel is a German philosopher”; “mid-19th - early 20th centuries”); is repelled with spaces on both sides;
  2. the middle dash (n-dash) is placed between the numbers (1917–1991) and spaces are not included;
  3. a hyphen is placed between parts of the word (Georg-Wilhelm-Friedrich, dark blue).

If the text of the article contains inscriptions in languages that use a writing system other than Cyrillic/Latin (hieroglyphs, Arabic script, etc.), you must provide a pdf file of the article.

The names of foreign companies, books, magazines, and other foreign words written in Latin alphabet are given in the text in Latin letters without quotation marks or emphasis.

After mentioning the names of foreign scientists, project managers, etc. in the Russian text for the first time, the original spelling is given in parentheses.

All abbreviations must be fully disclosed when first used, with the exception of generally accepted ones (including mathematical quantities).

If there are notes in the text of the article, they should be formatted as page-by-page footnotes: a link is placed in the text, the text of the note is placed at the bottom of the page. Notes are numbered continuously throughout the text. Links within notes are formatted in the same way as in the text of the article - in square brackets (a detailed bibliographic description in the text of notes is not allowed).

If the text of the article contains inscriptions in languages that use the writing system not based on the Cyrillic / Latin alphabet (hieroglyphs, Arabic script, etc.), in addition to the text document, you must provide a pdf-version of the article.

Requirements for the design of the Literature / References section

The numbering of the Literature and References sections is given in alphabetical order (first Russian-language sources, then foreign-language ones) and includes all sources used and mentioned in any way in the publication.

All materials used to write the work are provided

  1. a detailed bibliographic description in the Literature section, indicating the author, title (article, monograph, collection, etc.), place of publication, publisher, year; at the end of the description it is advisable to indicate the DOI of the article (if any) or ISBN; in this case, the total number of pages of the publication is not given;
  2. an in-text link, indicating the number in the Literature section and the cited page in square brackets. For example - [1, p. 20], where the first number in brackets corresponds to the source number in the Literature list, the second - to the page number in the source (the sign of inextricable unity is required).

Sources are included in the Literature section in the original language. For an article in English, a Russian-language list of references is not compiled.

References are formatted according to the Library of Congress standard, indicating the author, year of publication (in parentheses), the title of the article in transliteration (as well as translation into English in square brackets), indicating the name of the monograph, collection or journal, place of publication, publisher. An indication of the publication language is added to the description of the source: (In Russian), (In Chinese).

Transliteration in the References list must be done in the Library of Congress system. For transliteration, you can use the site In the References list, sources in languages using the Latin alphabet are not transliterated.

In the References list, the name of the publisher is transliterated and given without quotation marks; the word “publishing house” is given in its abbreviation in English (for example, Nauka Publ.).

The Literature and References lists do not include anonymous sources and normative documents (decrees, instructions, etc.) that are not indexed in citation databases (links to such sources are provided in page footnotes).

The transliteration requirement does not apply to the surnames of authors if the author insists on the transliteration of his surname adopted by him and used in other articles (the transliteration option is provided by the author of the article).

Examples of designing a list of references

  1. Бердяев Н. А. Философия неравенства. М.: Имка-пресс, 1990. 286 с.
  2. Лекторский В. А. Исторические типы рациональности. М.: ИФ РАН, 1995. Т. 1–2.
  3. Митчем С. Что такое философия техники? / ред. и пер. В. Г. Горохов. М.: Аспект Пресс, 1995. 243 с.
  4. Малькова Е. Ю. Принципы виртуальной этики // Религия и нравственность в секулярном мире: материалы научной конференции (Санкт-Петербург, 28–30 ноября 2001 г.). СПб.: Санкт-Петербургское философское общество, 2001. С. 112–115.
  5. Луман Н. Риск и опасность // Отечественные записки. 2013. № 2 (53). С. 113–116.
  6. Изломов К. С. Вопросы гендерного неравенства в западном мире (2013). URL: (дата обращения: 06.03.2024).
  7. Irwin T. Plato’s Ethics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995. 164 с.
  1. Berdjaev, N. A. (1990). Filosofija neravenstva [The Philosophy of Inequality]. Moscow: IMKA-Press Publ. 286 s. (In Russian)
  2. Lektorskij, V. A. (1995). Istoricheskie tipy racional’nosti [Historical types of rationality]. Moscow: IF RAN Publ., 1995. T. 1–2. (In Russian)
  3. Mitchem, S. (1995). Chto takoe filosofija tehniki? [What is the philosophy of technology?]. Moscow: Aspekt Press Publ. 243 s. (In Russian)
  4. Mal’kova, E. Ju. (2001). Principy virtual’noj jetiki [Principles of virtual ethics]. In: Religija i nravstvennost’ v sekuljarnom mire: materialy nauchnoj konferencii (Sankt-Peterburg, 28–30 nojabrja 2001 g.). St.-Peterburg: Sankt-Peterburgskoe filosofskoe obshhestvo. S. 112–115. (In Russian)
  5. Luman, N. Risk i opasnost’ [Risk and danger]. In: Otechestvennye zapiski. 2013. № 2 (53). S. 113–116. (In Russian)
  6. Izlomov, K. S. Voprosy gendernogo neravenstva v zapadnom mire [Gender inequality issues in the Western world] (2013). URL: (accessed: 06.03.2019). (In Russian)
  7. Irwin, T. (1995). Plato’s Ethics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 164 s. (In English)

Design of drawings, diagrams and tables

Drawings and diagrams must be submitted as separate files in a format that can be edited. Graphs must be made in Excel, graphic editors Photoshop (preferably in psd format), Corel Draw (not converted to curves), formulas - in MathType formula editors or built-in MS Word.

Text design of illustrations: Times New Roman font, 9 point.

The numbers of figures are continuous throughout the text of the article.

Attached images and photographs must be in electronic form in tif or jpeg format. Resolution of at least 300 dpi.

Captions are required and are given in the language of the article. The text is placed under the picture or diagram, for example: Fig. 1. Title (without a dot)

The title of the table is written above the table, for example: Table 1. Title (without a dot)

Tables do not have to be scanned; they are created in MS Word or MS Excel. The source of the data must be indicated under the table, if the table is not the author’s, for example: Compiled according to the publication: [12, p. 5–6] or Source: [12, p. 5–6] (without dot)

If the photograph (drawing) is taken from an open photo bank that allows free downloading of content, you must provide a link to the resource, the author of the photograph, and the year the photograph (drawing) was created or published.

If photographs (drawings) are borrowed from other sources, you must provide written permission from the copyright holder to use the picture (for example, an email), and indicate the source of borrowing and the name of the copyright holder in the caption to the picture.

The table should be placed immediately after the paragraph in which it is first mentioned.

Information about the author(s)

In Russian and English, full data is provided in the footnote to the name of the author (authors): last name, first name, patronymic, academic degree, title, email, place of work, postal address of the organization with index.

Information about organizational units and administrative positions (head of department, head of department, etc.) is not indicated.

Academic degrees and titles are abbreviated as: Doctor / Candidate of Sciences. Philosopher sciences; Dr. / Candidate of Sciences ist. sciences; and etc.; academic titles: prof., associate professor; scientific positions: art. scientific co-workers, ml. scientific co-workers

An example of providing data in a link about the author of an article:

Иванов Иван Иванович — д-р филос. наук, проф.;; Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет, Российская Федерация, 199034, Санкт-Петербург, Университетская наб., д. 7–9.

Ivan I. Ivanov— Dr. Sci. in Philosophy, Professor;; St. Petersburg State University, 7-9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation

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Articles of the journal "Review of Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities " are in the public domain and are distributed in accordance with the terms of the license agreement with the Russian Christian Humanitarian Academy. F. M. Dostoevsky, which provides authors with unlimited distribution and self-archiving free of charge. Any requests for permission to reproduce, distribute, display or create derivative works from this site should be directed to

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"Review of Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities" provides immediate open access to its content based on the premise that the free dissemination of research facilitates greater global knowledge sharing.

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